Satellite Bulgaria SAT
Satellite Bulgaria SAT,
It is the satellite of Bulgaria Sat, which is the countries
only and innovative satellite operator in the space industry.
Providing reliable and secure satellite communications solutions for broadcast, telecommunications,
corporate and government customers, Bulgaria Sat is headquartered in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The company operates the most advanced BulgariaSat-1 satellite,
providing innovative broadcast and broadband services with wide
coverage and connectivity across regions.
BulgariaSat-1 was launched on June 23, 2017, expanding
the company's reach and positioning itself as the technology leader and the
most innovative satellite operator in Eastern Europe.
BulgariaSat-1 is the first geostationary communication satellite, manufactured by SSL,
to provide high definition and high definition
It also provides very small aperture terminal (VSAT) communications,
satellite news-gathering relays, and other communications
These services are mainly available to the Balkan
Peninsula and Central and Western Europe.
BulgariaSat-1 Covering
BulgariaSat-1 provides Balkan and pan-European
coverage, and has two types of special packages.
Manufacturer: Space Systems / Loral (SS / L)
Payload: 30 Ku-band BSS Transponders and 2 Ku-band FSS
Bus: SSL-1300
Life expectancy:
The satellite is expected to operate for at least 15 years with fuel expected over 20 years,
thanks to the lift capabilities of the
SpaceX F9 launch vehicle and the actual SSTO launch.
Launched on June 23, 2017, to the 2°E orbital position,
it provides a full range of satellite services for the Balkans and Europe,
• Direct to Home (DTH) TV
It offers efficient and flexible end-to-end broadcast
solutions tailored to DTH companies.
• VSAT. Connections
It delivers high-speed, real-time broadband satellite
and corporate communications.
• Corporate networks
Offers solutions that ensure high-speed and reliable
broadband connections reach the most remote locations.
• Incidental Use & SNG
Our satellite capacity meets the special and periodic
demands of broadcast and media—
BulgariaSat-1 is based on a medium power variant of the
SSL 1300 satellite bus with a design life of more than 15 years and the
enhancement of the Falcon 9 launch vehicle.
Power is provided by two 10-kilowatt three-panel solar arrays,
while thrust is provided by an R-4D-11 high-drift rocket engine powered
by a combination of position-control thrusters.
The spacecraft is equipped with 30 thousand 3k FSS
transponders (BSS) transponders.
It is locked
into a geostationary orbit at 1.9 degrees east
Bulgaria Sat-1 is the first Bulgarian satellite
operating in geostationary orbit, and the country's second spacecraft after
Bulgaria 1300 in 1981
SSL has partnered with Bulgarian Sat to provide financing and insurance and the Falcon 9 launch vehicle,
with the Export-Import
Bank of the United States providing $151 million in export credit financing to
The total cost of the BulgariaSat-1 project was $235
How to receive the Bulgarian satellite “Bulgaria Sat 1.9°E”
Bulgaria Sat’s coverage includes all European countries, North African countries,
and the Arab Gulf states. It can be easily received with dishes starting from 60 centimeters in diameter,
and increasing
according to the distance of the receiving country from covering the moon.
When the satellite was launched, it contained the frequencies of the Arena Sport sports channels only,
a package of sports
channels encoded with the Tandberg code.
However, the moon then began to increase the
frequencies and satellite channels that are transmitted through its orbit.
It is known to all that most of the receivers, when operating for the first time,
have a list of all satellites integrated with
them to make it easier for users in the process of receiving the moon and searching
for its channels without the need to add a satellite and add its frequencies.
On most modern and some old receivers, we find that the
Bulgarian satellite can be found in the list of satellites with the name
Bulgaria-1 Sat 1.9°E.
The Bulgarian moon page on receivers includes all
frequencies, and other frequencies can be added on the moon easily.
Bulgarian Moon Reception with Hot Bird
The Bulgarian satellite is considered one of the best satellites that include sports channels that broadcast European championships,
and many viewers resort to trying to receive it with other satellites.
This is in order for them to have the largest number of channels that broadcast European,
Asian and Latin periodicals. Some want to receive the Bulgarian satellite with the European “Hotbird” satellite,
and some
want to receive Bulgarian Sat with the Azeri, Yahsat, Turkish and Eastern
Indeed, the Bulgarian moon can be received with the Hotbird on the same dish, provided that the European Hotbird Center satellite is received,
and a LNB lens for the Bulgarian moon is added on the ruler to the
left of the Hotbird moon to make a wonderful composition of sports satellites.
Bulgarian satellite channel code 1.9 Sharq Arena Sport
Arena Sport channels on the Bulgarian satellite are
distinguished by the fact that they do not need Schering servers or the
Internet to open, run and watch them.
In fact, the Arena Sports channels work with Tandberg ciphers,
which is the encryption system that the Moon Administration uses to
encrypt its channels.
The most important tournaments broadcast on Arena Sport
channels on the Bulgarian satellite
The Bulgarian satellite, which is loved by football fans, also features Arena Sport free channels,
which broadcast football matches
from many European leagues and championships.
Where the channels broadcast matches live with coverage
of all matches, leagues and international tournaments through the five channels
Arena Sport.
Leagues broadcast on Arena Sport channels on Bulgaria Sat
The Italian League
French league.
Dutch league
Champions League
Brazilian league.
Argentine League.
Australian league.
Croatian League.
czech league.
Belgian league.
Bosnian League.
Serbian league.
African Champions League semi-finals and final.
European League.
In addition to many matches from other leagues that the
channel announces before its presentation.
Arena Sport channels on its screen also display many
other sports, making it one of the best packages of sports channels open on
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